Meet Our Team

Our stylists are skilled in their craft with a love of
enhancing their client’s individuality.

Jen van Lienden
owner, stylist

What about you surprises people?
That I don’t enjoy music concerts. I deeply enjoy music but don’t get butterflies in my belly at live shows.


Which album do you listen to on repeat?
While I almost always have music playing, what is playing varies widely. I’ve been on an electric guitar kick for a few years now. AC/DC is a heavy hitter in my rotation.


Why hair?
I have been doing it for so long at this point that I truly can’t imagine doing anything else. I am hair. Hair is me.


Style icon?
I pull inspiration from 1970’s Linda Rondstat. I like a style that looks intentionally lived in and little wild.


Bucket list item? 
I want to see and hear Orcas in the wild.

Colette Elkins

What about you surprises people?
That I live in Montana and work on Bainbridge Island.


Which album do you listen to on repeat? 
Anything by Miranda Lambert!


Why hair?
At this point in my career, it’s the relationships built with my clients. Strangers that have become friends. Together, we listen, build trust, and educate each other. It makes my “job” such a joy to have that connection and also to do really GOOD hair! After 18 years in this industry, I’m more inspired and in love with hair!


Style Icon? 
I don’t have a specific style icon. I’m drawn toward a 70s bohemian floral dress vibe and a flared jeans and a band t-shirt vibe. Both are always paired with cowboy boots and vintage turquoise jewelry.


Bucket list item?
To buy land to start our own small farm. I want a jersey cow that I’ll name Jolene. I will make all the fresh butter and cheese. Did I mention I love cheese!

Stephanie Buffkin

What about you surprises people?
People are always shocked that I grew up in a logging camp on a remote island in Alaska.


Which album do you listen to on repeat? 
Depends on my mood… so… 2 Pac or Johnny Cash


Why hair?
Because I can’t imagine doing anything else!!


Style Icon? 
No question – Audrey Hepburn


Bucket list item?
Learning french and living in Paris for a year.

Ellery Hatfield


What about you surprises people?
My zodiac sign. Take a guess.


Which album do you listen to on repeat?
I’m typically more of a playlist person than an album person, but Hozier’s self-titled album is one I love to go back to.


Why hair?
Doing hair brings together many of my favorite things—art, people, style, psychology, and creative problem solving. Not to mention, I’m highly detail-oriented and doing hair gives my obsessive tendencies a healthy outlet. So that’s a plus.


Style Icon?
I can’t say that I have one! My style varies often. At the salon, I’m usually in practical sneakers and blue jeans, but outside of work I lean into my creative side. I take inspiration from the 60s & 70s, men’s fashion, international street style, colorful maximalism, and something I recently heard described as “California French Girl”. Within that, I love juxtaposing different textures and shapes.


Bucket list item?
Scuba diving in the Philippines.

Megan Pelliciotta

What about you surprises people?
My extensive horror/fantasy comic collection


Which album do you listen to on repeat?
Queens of the Stone Age : Lullabies to Paralyze never disappoints


Why hair?
Human interaction + creative expression is like 90% of what makes us human. Getting to fold that into my career is something I cherish.


Style Icon?
Hmm if 90’s Goldie Hawn and Kurt Cobain had a love child that had an infatuation for high quality shoes…….


Bucket list item?
Everything, everywhere. All of the adventures.

Vanessa Weinbach

What about you surprises people?
That I’m an introvert and a big softie. Don’t let the tattoos fool you. I like to spend my time playing video games alone with my dog. And I also cry in most movies, even comedies.


Which album do you listen to on repeat?
Sleep Tokens newest album Take Me Back To Eden! Highly recommend if you like alternative music.


Why hair?
Why not hair! Hair is so much more than hair, and I love that I can dramatically make a difference in someone’s life. It’s instant gratification. How many jobs can do that? We are so lucky.


Style Icon? 
Sabrina Carpenter


Bucket list item?
To go to Germany! I know it may not seem like a big deal, but for me traveling is not a huge part of my life and I’d like to change that.